フィリピントヨタ労組エド委員長の訪日闘争報告 | |||||||
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2006年6月・7月反トヨタ世界キャンペーン第一波 日本行動報告 TMPCWA 委員長 エド・クベロ
TMPCWAとその国際的支援組織の全ては、トヨタによるフィリピンでの反組合活動を糾弾していくために、今後更に多くの抗議行動が起こることを期待している。 TMPCWAに対する支持と支援を。そして抗議の手紙の送付を。 国際的団結、万歳。
より詳しい情報をお探しの方は、IMFのウェブサイト、および日本レーバーネットのウェブサイトをご覧ください。 抗議メール送信・英語サイトhttp://www.labornetjp.org/Campaign/2006/toyota_eng/protest200607_html http://www.imfmetal.org/main/index.cfm?id=47&l=2&cid=13914
TMPCWA Protest Action in Japan Against Multi-national Toyota Motor Corporation!
Ed Cubelo the Union President of TMPCWA and Wenecito Urgel, the Union Vice President visits Japan. They invited by the Support Group for TMPCWA in Japan to launch protest-action against Toyota. This joint activity of the Support Group for TMPCWA and TMPCWA is in the line with the global campaign of the International Metalworkers Federation – IMF in its global campaign against Toyota by not following the decision of the Supreme Court of the Philippines in Favor to TMPCWA and in connection to the continuous refusal of Philippine Toyota to sit into negotiation together with the union of TMPCWA. This campaign is also to urged Toyota Motor Corporation Headquarters to respect the International Labor Organization in its four recommendation in favor for TMPCWA, that is; 1) The reinstatement of the 136 illegally dismissed members and all the Officers of TMPCWA ; 2) The withdrawal of the fabricated criminal case against 18 Union members and officers; 3) The recognition of TMPCWA as the one and only sole exclusive bargaining agent of all the rank and file workers in Toyota; and 4) The start of Collective Bargaining Agreement that is long hanging.
Ed Cubelo and Wenecito Urgel attended many gatherings informing the Japanese people of what Toyota did to its workers but continuously hiding it in the people in Japan. Many Japanese Organizations warmly support the TMPCWA actions and joined in picket-actions in Front of the Toyota Headquarters in Aichi last July 17, 2006.
The Big gatherings and meetings in Tokyo, Kanagawa Yokohama City, Osaka, and Omiya City is very successful and all delegates promised to help and support the TMPCWA and to launch massive protest action in Japan as their future activities and will help to nationalize the very long labor problems of Philippine Toyota workers and the TMPCWA.
The Protest-Toyota Campaign is now circulating protest-letter to the Philippine Toyota management, Toyota Headquarters in Japan and the Department of Labor and Employment in The Philippines for releasing the one-sided decision favoring the yellow union sponsored by the Philippine Toyota management.
On July 22, 2006, another member of TMPCWA is going to Australia by the Support of Australian Metal Workers Union – AMWU. This support is the action of Australian workers in connection with the global campaign of the IMF against Toyota.
TMPCWA and all support organization internationally expecting more actions in the coming days to condemn Toyota to its anti-union activity in the Philippines.
For additional information please visit the website of the International Metalworkers Federation – IMF and the Labor Net – Japan;
http://www.labornetjp.org/Campaign/2006/toyota_eng/protest200607_html http://www.imfmetal.org/main/index.cfm?id=47&l=2&cid=13914
Created by iseki-kaihatu and Staff. Last modified on 2006-07-26 00:25:08 Copyright: Default |