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1> 2001年9月11日に起きた数千人の大量殺害を糾弾する。この悲劇においてニューヨーク・ワシントン・ペンシルバニアで罪のない多くの人々が殺されたことに、深く追悼の意を表す。警察・消防署・市・州・連邦の勇敢な救命努力に、敬意を表し支援する。

2> 我々の政治的代表者が、ただちに空爆を停止し、アフガニスタンの罪のない人々の命を危うくすることをやめ、米国の兵士のリスクを減らすことで、暴力の連鎖を断ち切るよう求める。

3> 我々の政治的代表者が、国際組織とともに、先月のテロを共謀した人々を裁判にかけるために、あらゆる努力を講じるよう求める。

4> 我々の政治的代表者が、あらゆる国々の政府と協力して、テロリズムの温床となる貧困・飢餓・疫病・圧政・従属といった状況を克服するために、最大の努力を振り向けることを求める。

5> 5年以内に、中東の石油への依存を減らし、太陽パワーや燃料電池などの持続可能なエネルギーへの転換をめざすキャンペーンに、国全体で取り組むことを提案する。


These are the actions that the Council passed by a 5-4 vote:

1) condemn the mass murder of thousands of people on September 11, 2001, and express our profound grief at the atrocities last month that killed thousands of innocent people in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, and acknowledge, honor, and support the heroic rescue efforts on the part of dedicated police and fire departments, and the city, state, and federal governments; and

2) ask our representatives to help break the cycle of violence, bringing the bombing to a conclusion as soon as possible, avoiding actions that can endanger of the lives of innocent people in Afghanistan, and minimizing the risk to American military personnel; and

3) urge our representatives to concentrate all available resources on bringing to justice all of those who were complicit in last month’s violent attack, and work with international organizations toward the same end; and

4) urge our representatives to devote our government’s best efforts in collaboration with governments throughout the world, to addressing and overcoming those conditions such as poverty, malnutrition, disease, oppression, and subjugation that tend to drive some people to acts of terrorism; and

5) request that we engage in a national campaign to lessen our dependence on oil from the Middle East and to commit to a nation-wide conversion to renewable energy sources such as solar and fuel cells, within five years.

City of Berkeley Council Districts



Created byStaff. Created on 2001-10-20 20:51:32 / Last modified on 2005-09-05 02:58:27 Copyright: Default


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