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投稿 : 園良太







口座名義:カシワザキ マサノリ
※他銀行からのふりこみの場合→ 019(ゼロイチキュウ)店 当座 0338249
※そのほか、ゆうちょ口座への 振り込み方法についての案内→
メールアドレス: freeimmigrants★yahoo.co.jp

We Seek Your Financial Support for A Refugee Family

We Seek Your Financial Support for A Refugee Family Whose Father Has Been
Unjustly Arrested by the Immigration Bureau of Japan
We are a group of SYI (Shuyosha Yujin-yushi Ichido: Immigration Detainee's
Friends) activists and other individuals. SYI protests against human rights
violations at the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, Shinagawa, and provides
emotional support for the detainees there. On January 7, we visited the
bureau as one of our regular actions, and met a Pakistani refugee family
(parents and their children).
The family are victims of severe human rights violations by the Japanese
Immigration and the police, and they need immediate help. We call on you to
take interest in this issue and provide financial support for the family.

The father was unjustly arrested at the scene by the officers of the Tokyo
Regional Immigration Bureau, and taken to the Tokyo Wangan Police Station;
as of today, January 14, 2011, he is still in police custody.
The allegation is “obstruction” of immigration officers. The police came to
the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau upon their report, and took the father
to the Wangan Station. It appears that the Bureau is claiming to the police
that they exercised their arrest power because the father attacked the
immigration officers.
We are certain, however, that the Immigration’s story is a total lie, and
that their reason for his arrest was simply fabricated. His family were
present at the scene to witness everything that had taken place until he got
arrested, and they have given us detailed explanations; they have also
provided us with video records of the scene, whose clips we have seen. Also,
we ourselves talked with the immigration officers and the police officers of
the Wangan Station while protesting on the day of his arrest, and we have
heard from the lawyer who visited him and is now working for him. Based on
the information from such various sources, we are now sure the “fact” that
the father attacked the immigration officers is rather their total
To start with, according to the video records and other information, the
father was first talking to the immigration officers in a peaceful and
careful way. We also learned partly through his family’s testimony more than
ten immigration officers, on the other hand, surrounded the family and
treated them in a very rude and violent manner.

Let us give you the timeline:
The family visited the Immigration to seek negotiation for improving their
own situation as refugees; after judging there is no further point talking
to them, they tried to go home. However, some male immigration officers
stopped the family exiting from the main entrance, pushing and hitting them.
That was violence enough; it was extremely insulting violence for the mother
and daughters, who are Muslims, to be touched by men. To the astonishment,
furthermore, the officers committed an outrageous act of uncovering the
mother’s burqa.
Reasonably, the family firmly protested in word. Since the officers did not
stop their violence, however, the father made it clear he had no intention
to resort to physical violence by lying down on the floor. Despite that,
they arrested him in flagrante (at the scene).
Therefore, there is no such fact that the father “attacked” the officers. On
the contrary, it was the Immigration who not only attacked the family but
unjustly arrested the father, fabricating a “fact.”

The family had applied for refugee status and are awaiting the result.
Facing extremely severe dangers of life, they arrived in Japan. But since
then, they have not received proper legal advice or living support, and they
have a child who is seriously ill. They are forced under dire circumstances
in terms of finance and safety.
The situation is even more dangerous after this fabricated arrest charge.
Accordingly, we need to prevent the father’s prosecution and work for his
immediate release. The living support for the mother and the children until
the father’s return is also an urgent necessity.
For these reasons, we call for your funding assistance within your means for
various costs including a lawyer’s fees.

SYI (Shuyosha Yujin-yushi Ichido: Immigration Detainee's Friends)
Email: freeimmigrants*yahoo.co.jp
(Replace “*” with @ above)

- Muslim Woman's Burqa Uncovered by the Japanese Male Immigration Officers

Created by staff01. Last modified on 2011-01-24 21:54:53 Copyright: Default


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