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IMFは9月12日の行動デーを発表!フィリピントヨタ労働者の正義を要求する | ||||||
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IMFは9月12日の行動デーを発表 IMF ニュース 2006年8月16日 傘下組織は、日本大使館および領事館において、フィリピントヨタ労働者のための正義を要求する示威を行う。
The IMF Executive Committee in May 2006 supported the launch of a campaign for the reinstatement of workers unjustly dismissed at Toyota Philippines. The company has repeatedly refused to reinstate 136 illegally dismissed workers or recognise the Toyota Motor Philippine Corporation Workers Association (TMPCWA) as the sole bargaining agent. Last month, IMF affiliates representing Toyota workers conducted solidarity actions at Toyota sites in South Africa, Brazil, the UK, Australia and Thailand. Other affiliates have collected funds for the TMPCWA and sent letters of protest to Toyota management. On a broader scale, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) which represents 155 million workers in 156 countries, has released a damaging report on labour rights abuses in the Philippines. In their 2006 Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights, the report specifically refers to the Toyota Motor Philippines dispute as an example of foreign companies exploiting Philippine labour laws to break unions and trample workers・rights. For more information and other materials about the situation at Toyota Philippines go to the IMF website at: www.imfmetal.org/toyotaphilippines
フィリピントヨタ労組を支援する会 Created by iseki-kaihatu and Staff. Last modified on 2006-08-19 09:25:39 Copyright: Default |