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 議会は、組合員やその他の勤労者・貧しい人々にもこの戦争動員に貢献することを強制する一方で、公的年金基金(Social Security Trust Fund) や経済困窮州への交付金、そして低価格住宅補助やホームレスへの社会サービスといった政府の基本的なプログラムを切り縮めることで、企業利益を優先している。


 また「9・11」後、1000人以上の移住者が留置所に拘束された。何千人もの空港労働者(その多くが有色の移住者)は、単に市民権がないという理由だけで解雇された。イスラム教徒や中東出身の移住者たちは、移民帰化局(INS)や連邦捜査局(FBI)の人種選別捜査(racial profiling)によって誘発され増幅された暴力の犠牲となってきた。



 ゆえに、AFL-CIO・ワシントン州労働評議会(Washington State Labor Council)は、以下、決議する。





 サンフランシスコ労働評議会(San Francisco Labor Council)は、米国政府によるイラクへの爆撃・制裁措置に対して長年反対してきた。経済制裁は、食糧や薬などの物資の極度の不足をまねき、100万人以上のイラクの人々(その半分以上が子供)の命を奪ってきた。


 1998年、米国政府による新しい対イラク戦争開始への取り組みは、反対運動の高まりによって不意に中断された。その反対運動には、国際自由労連(International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: ICFTU)、サンフランシスコ労働評議会、アラメダ郡労働評議会(Alameda County Central Labor Council)、そしてオハイオ大学を舞台にコーエン国防長官やオルブライト国務長官とテレビ討論したような学生たちの取り組みが含まれていた。そしてそれは、労働運動や人々の平和運動が政府の不当な政策を撤回させる潜在的な力をもっていることをはっきり示した。


 ブッシュ政権の戦争政策は国内にも向けられている。「祖国の安全」を名目に、実は太平洋海運協会(Pacific Maritime Association)やウォールマート・GAP(※いずれも大手ディスカウントチェーン)などの反労働組合企業の利益のために、西海岸の港湾への介入の脅しによって、「終わりなき戦争」を国際港湾労組(International Longshore & Warehouse Union: ILWU)に向けようとしている。







Resolution Against the War, Attacks on Civil Liberties and Cuts in Public Services

Resolution #6 Adopted by the Washington State Labor Council at its August 19-22, 2002 Convention in Spokane, Washington.

WHEREAS, President Bush¹s ever-expanding "war on terrorism" has been cynically used to justify a $48 billion hike in next year¹s military budget, bringing it to $383 billion, in addition to the $15 billion bailout of the airline industry and $25 billion in tax refunds for corporate America; and

WHEREAS, Congress is forcing union members and other working and poor people to pay for this war drive and subsidize corporate profits by raiding the Social Security Trust Fund and cutting funding for economically distressed states and vital government programs such as subsidies for low income housing and services to the homeless; and

WHEREAS, the billions spent on armaments, domestic repression and bailouts could be better used to provide re-training programs and jobs to the 800,000 workers across the nation who lost their jobs after September 11th, and to plug the $50 billion deficit in state and local budgets that has resulted in a major loss of union jobs and cuts in essential socials services such as fully staffed libraries, education, quality public transportation with reliable access services to the disabled, providing clean water and air, healthcare and treatment for the mentally ill; and

WHEREAS, in the aftermath of September 11th over 1,000 immigrants were imprisoned in detention centers, thousands of airport workers (many of them immigrants of color) were fired simply because they were not citizens, and Muslims, people of Middle Eastern descent and other immigrants suffered increased violence sparked by racial profiling by the INS and FBI; and

WHEREAS, the federal "USA PATRIOT" anti-terrorism act and similar state measures undermine labor¹s right to organize and fight anti-immigrant attacks and other union-busting tactics by expanding the government¹s ability to detain non-citizens based on mere suspicion, to conduct telephone and internet surveillance and secret searches, and to define people engaged in political protest as "domestic terrorists;" and

WHEREAS, the national AFL-CIO¹s uncritical support for this profit-driven war has derailed labor opposition to increased military expenditures, corporate subsidies and government spying and provided political cover for Democrats to jump on the anti-terrorism bandwagon;

WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO's support for the war has led to the callous withholding of solidarity from labor's working class and poor allies in other countries who are suffering and dying as a result of this conflict; therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Washington State Labor Council expand its efforts to defend civil liberties by taking the following actions and urging the AFL-CIO to do the same: ---Campaign for the repeal of the USA PATRIOT Act and defeat of similar "anti-terrorism" measures in state legislatures; ---Pressure local and state law enforcement to refuse to cooperate with FBI spying on political, union, and anti-globalism activists or comply with INS harassment of Arabs and other immigrants and people of color in the U.S.; ---Demand the immediate release of the hundreds of Middle Eastern, Arab and other immigrants who are still being detained without due process and/or legal justification; and be it finally

RESOLVED that the Washington State Labor Council urge the AFL-CIO and its affiliates to oppose the U.S. government's open-ended "war on terrorism" and participate in rallies, marches and other activities to pressure President Bush and Congress to stop the war and redirect money from corporate handouts and the military budget to assist laid-off workers, restore and expand public services, and promote global justice by providing humanitarian and economic aid--administered by unions--to our brothers and sisters in other countries.

San Francisco Labor Council Resolution - Adopted August 26, 2002

No New War Against Iraq
Keep the Government Off the Docks !

Whereas, the San Francisco Labor Council has for many years opposed the US bombing and sanctions against Iraq, which have resulted in dire shortages of food and medicine and contributed to the deaths of over 1,000,000 Iraqis including over 500,000 children; and

Whereas, now the Bush Administration is beating the drums for a new war against Iraq, despite mounting opposition to this war at home and abroad; and

Whereas, in early 1998 the US government¹s drive to launch a new war against Iraq was abruptly halted by a rising opposition movement that included the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the San Francisco Labor Council, the Alameda County Central Labor Council, and the students who debated Defense Secretary Cohen and Secretary of State Albright on national television at Ohio State University, which showed that the labor movement and people¹s movement do have the potential to force a reversal of unjust government policies; and

Whereas, wasting billions of dollars on the Iraq war buildup translates into cutbacks of essential and job-producing social programs at home such as education, health care, social security and housing, and threatening the rights of labor to strike and organize; and

Whereas, the Bush Administration¹s war drive has a domestic component ­ threatening to turn his "endless war" against the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and as an opening wedge against the entire labor movement, by threatening government intervention on the West Coast docks under the guise of "Homeland Security," on the side of the Pacific Maritime Association bosses and a coalition of anti-union corporate interests including WalMart and The Gap; therefore be it

Resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO, reaffirm and join the growing movement in opposition to any US war against Iraq, and call on the unions and AFL-CIO at all levels and Congressional representatives to publicly oppose this war; and be it further

Resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council strongly condemn any attempt by the government, at any level, to introduce troops or otherwise intervene in the contract dispute between the ILWU and the employers, and call on Congressional representatives to publicly oppose this interference; and be it further

Resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council endorse the "Stop-the-War" marches and rallies taking place September 14-16, 2002 in Oakland, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and other cities, as well as the International Day of Protest on October 26, 2002, behind the banner:

"No New War Against Iraq ­ Keep the Government Off the Docks"

Created byStaff. Created on 2002-08-30 01:21:30 / Last modified on 2005-09-05 02:58:57 Copyright: Default


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