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 弾圧の直後、デモ参加者は逮捕手続きがなされる各所轄署に抗議行動に向かいましたが、警察は接見交通(外部交通)の権利(※)を傲然と踏みにじり、自ら脱法する勝手気ままな振舞いをほしいままにしています。直後に結成された私たちメーデー救援会は、当初のこの努力を引き継ぎながら救援活動に取り組み、5月1日にはサウンドカーと機材を、翌2日には「道交法違反」で逮捕された一名を取り戻しました。しかし二名は勾留決定されたために依然として身柄を拘束されています。本来「現行犯の罪証」には無用なはずの家宅捜索も強行されました。このように、警察・検察が勾留や令状の請求をかけると裁判所が簡単に認めてしまう、あるいは被疑者が勾留決定後も捜査機関から独立した司法機関のもとに移されずに、冤罪の温床となる代用監獄(留置所)に監禁され続けるなどのかたちで、司法当局が社会的抑圧に積極的に加担している現実に、私たちは強い怒りと危惧を覚えます。それは人の社会的自由を損ない、生そのものを踏みにじるものだからです。  このメーデー弾圧はサウンドデモつぶし以外の何ものでもありません。そして同時に、ただ生き、そして働くものの権利を求める多様な人々がつながろうとすることを阻む、政治的な弾圧にほかなりません。それはプレカリアートの連帯を怖れる「階級」的な弾圧であり、あるいはこのかん明らかになっているように、ビラポスティングなどをはじめとする、あらゆる表現行為を取り締まる意図をあらわにした権力者の、社会的抑圧の強化という事態なのです。






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  1. 05.04 Thursday

English Appeal

On Sunday, April 30th, the rally and street demonstration of "Mayday for Freedom and Survival 06" in Tokyo was held with about one hundred participants who enthusiastically discussed the labor conditions of "precariats" (part-time and unstable workers).

Surprisingly, from the beginning of the demonstration, the police harassed us unjustly. Meanwhile, a crowd of policemen dragged down and arrested a DJ, who played music for the demonstration on our truck carrying the sound system, for “violating” the Traffic Control Law. At the same place, they also arrested one of the participants for "obstructing" officers from performing their duty. In addition, the police stole the truck and drove away along with all the equipment (Regained in the next day) though the usage of sound system and carrying the DJ on the rear deck was applied in due process to Harajuku police station in advance.

Even more arrest was being prepared. The police tried to rob our huge balloons carrying a banner marked with "Mayday" while the demonstration was passing under the railroad bridge nearby Shibuya station with numbers of passers - by the Hachiko cross point. In this confusion by the police, they arrested another participant, who tried to retrieve the balloons, for "obstructing" officers from performing their duty. Doubtlessly, this is another shocking outrage by masses of policemen.

The DJ unjustly arrested for "violating" the traffic law was released on May 2, which shows that even prosecutors could not find any reasons in the illegal act of the police to claim more detention. However, more detention was decided against the other two participants arrested for "obstructing" officers from performing their duty, and they are still detained in substitute prisons in police stations.

Just after the demonstration, we started moving to save and release the repressed peers as soon as possible. Please support and pay attention to our movement newly launched as a Mayday Relief Association.

Mayday Relief Association

Created by staff01 and Staff. Last modified on 2006-05-06 11:25:36 Copyright: Default


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